Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How To Make One's Love Strong!

Many have succeeded, and many have failed, and there's also many that is about to succeed or fail in one matter alone : LOVE.

Love... What makes a couple so strong is because there is an understanding bond.
To me, (still a single) voicing out for the people, giving my opinions on how love should be assessed by a couple.

1. Try to understand the person deeply in terms of mentally, physically and background. But try to understand her/him SLOWLY. Repeat that word with me, SLOWLY! I've been doing some research of my own. Once you've successfully understand everything (including secrets) of your partner in love, you will normally have the tendency to... well... dislike her for her weakness. Plus, time is of the essence. This then brings a meaning into love relationships as time gives you more understanding of your partner, rather than hearing it from her. Spend more time with her and you'll eventually see, his/her past have changed her future by being a good one in the present.

2. Be an understanding and independent individual, but always have faith in your partner as well. Being a single for a long time, I've seen break-ups a lot during my days (which is now). No offense here but, normally most of the female I've seen put extremely high faith in their boyfriends, leaving them to do everything for the females. 'Yes, I know. You girls would hate me deeply now. But it's a fact and you can't deny it!' Anyway, as I proceed, females tend to drag their boyfriend out as a driver, shopping bag carrier, waiter, and payer. Yes, yes, it's normal for a guy to do so for their girlfriends (this is a good thing of being a boyfriend), but you girls out there, sometimes you should think for the males. Try to be their shoes.
At least try to offer them some help in carrying the goods. Or hold your handbags/items closely to you and tell your boyfriend that he doesn't need to help you to carry it in a kind way or do it like one of my friends did : 'This is my handbag. Lots of secrets inside that you cannot see.'

3. Spoil your partner and make sure it's done BOTH sides of the relationship. If one spoil the other, but the other like just don't respond to it, well then, who's spoiling who then? Haha... You get my drift. Haha...

4. Communication is the utmost important in everything! At least tell your partner your location, your actions at the current moment. Mostly, the girlfriends want to know where their boyfriends are as they are worry for you. But, girls, there are always a limit. Don't always control your boyfriend, being bossy over him. And guys, there are always times you must care for your girlfriends' feelings. Try to sit down, chat with her of your daily status, tell her how you feel, inform her of your location without being asked to. This makes one understand the other better.

AS in the previous episode, Dirge has mentioned 4 things that binds a love stronger. And now, he shall continue with a little bit more on it...

5. Be as romantic as possible (particularly for guys). Females always fantasied of how their love life would proceed. So, try to make her happy, adored by you. Be super romantic to her, but at CERTAIN occasions. Don't be romantic to her at bad times; trust me, you (guys) would screw it big time and girls are always people that remembers stuffs clearly; including date, time, place of the event occurred. So, be romantic as possible but romantic at right times.

6. This is very important to both sides of the relationship. The First of Everything is the most important thing/event that you'll or had faced. The first time you held your partner's hands, the first time you kiss your partner, the first time you hug your partner and etc etc. That first determines the future of everything in that person. There are situations where I've seen my friends saying that after holding hands with her second boyfriend after months of break-up, he/she will miss her first boyfriend. This is why most couples break-up and reunite again.
So, when you say 'You love Him/Her', you better MEANT IT! And do not, i repeat, DO NOT SCREW UP THE FIRST! Thank you...

7. Yes, being jealous over your boyfriend/girlfriend when they are with some girls/guys is typical normal for everyone. But make sure your jealousy don't get into your head. Put some faith in your guy/girl. If you know that your partner loves you and only you, have faith and put that jealousy aside.

BE back with more (or maybe none. Currently writer's block. Haha.)
Maybe this is the end, or not. So, keep it posted!

Time is of The Essence, and so it's Ayam Brand?

Yes, weird huh... People have been saying my blog is dead for a year, revived back yesterday! Hallelujah! God bless my blog, and everyone of us ALL!

anyway, people oh people, I'm terribly bored and maybe flying off to further studies... Poor thing for me to leave everyone here in M'sia...

So I made a decision.

IN the next 10 years,
A college class reunion. Date and place : Unknown...
A secondary school reunion. Date and place : Unknown...
A primary school reunion. Date and place : Unknown...
Must be held!
Compulsory to all.